Monday, November 2, 2015

Open Comment on Evolution

Open Comment ♥ Evolution 進化

Redbean 2 Sep 2016: Singapore running out of luck
Chiok Sin-ka-pho ga tat-lang kut-lak (in hokkien)!
Wish Singapore and everyone good luck and hardworking!

Redbean 10 Jun 2016: Power and the exercise of Power
新加坡 - 对人不对事 官官相卫! 对事不对人 遥不可及!

Redbean 27 Jan 2016: Hiring Singaporean first policy – the tale of two farmers
SG Evolution! No Loyalty! Wrongful Termination! No Corporate Governance! DIM Future!

TOC 23 Dec 2015: Singapore: decision against blogger Roy Ngerng constitutes a huge setback for freedom of expression in the country
As individual (or private company/ public service), respectful freedom of speech (or governance) comes with great responsibility in whatever you put forth (or command), minus false allegation (or accusation).
Singapore must be extremely 'kind' to me for being able to continue my hands-on experience on Empty Promise/ Broken LawUnfair Employment and Practice/ Corporate Governance/ Integrity on the DIM future of Singapore.

Catherine Lim 21 Dec 2015: In Victory, Magnanimity, Not Recrimination: An Open Letter To The Prime Minister
Try squeezing a centre-of-the-heart Integrity element to underline the DIM future of Singapore
D: shut, dark, same, insecure, gaint, ...
I: zen, natural, right, humour, gentleman, ...
M: open, bright, kind, creative, generous, ...

Feed Me To The Fish 14 Feb 2013: 3 Days to “Say No To 6.9M”
I share with you a (new year goodies) special/ meaningful message for year 2013 (and onwards).
Secret to success is to be patient and work towards your ambition. 成功的秘诀,在于对目标坚忍不拔

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 30 Jan 2013: Superstition In Singapore
Thanks for the kind offer (still prefer DIY). We can make life better, but cannot force destiny in life (一切随缘).
I had read/ applied (from library books) some of the concepts on lighting/ painting/ furnishing/ ... to find/ balance the lucky/ love/ relationship/ study/ health corner at home.
The simple (but difficult) rule is still not to be wasteful, resulting in many unnecessary junk to clutter around places/ ...

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 29 Jan 2013: Superstition In Singapore
If you take Feng Shui 风水 as the art/ science of placement, you will not be unnecessary worried by negative/ bad sha qi 杀气, or be overly obsessed by positive/ good sheng qi 生气 in life.
The bagua 八卦 (inside $1 coin) can be found with everyone/ everywhere in Singapore. It will also be interesting to know where is the lucky/ love/ relationship/ study/ health corner at home.

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 24 Jan 2013: Three Characters Sadden Me in a Single Night.
Sad to say that the bad Apple user had taken your kindness for granted.
Thumbs up ✔✔✔✔✔ to your kind heart. Wish good health to you and family.
Happy CNY! Gong Xi Fa Cai!  新年快樂!恭喜發財!

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 10 Sep 2012: An Incredible Fortune Teller
When I was still a kid studying at the doorstep, a fortune-teller passed by and offered a free advice to me that I would do something different at middle age (perhaps by reading my forehead).
Today many netizens (just like me) are doing something extra out of our own self in one way or another.

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 21 Aug 2012: Best Insult at a Cabby
The best response to insult is not to fall into the shadow of these people, but to take up the challenge to do more correct things in return with humor.
We cannot and do not have to win those who are determined to create trouble and are up to no good, with some even to the extent of committing offence to be the sore losers.

Diary of a Singapore Cabby 29 Jun 2012: UPDATE
Today is my first visit to your blog – appreciate your passion in writing, sharing and cabbying.
As all of us see/ hear/ learn more of realities of life, we have to pick up some sense of humor to overcome the difficult time.


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