Saturday, July 1, 2017

Singapore Unemployment

Based on estimates derived from MOM data, we can see some patterns in Singapore labor market. The unemployed citizens did not improve over the years and were much higher than the overall unemployment rates. There was also excess capacity of non-citizen labor from Year 2001 to Year 2016.


The change in job numbers here for two consecutive years are good indications of job insecurity. A drop for two consecutive years indicated that the labor market was not doing well for citizens. A jump for two consecutive years indicated that the labor market was favorable for non-citizens. A big difference in the change of citizens and non-citizens also indicated low growth for citizens.


The employed citizen rates were shrinking over the years as the labor market here relies a lot on foreign manpower. For every 2.0-2.1 employed manpower, there was only 1.0-1.1 employed citizens. For every 4.5-5.0 unemployed manpower, there were at least 3.5-4.0 unemployed citizens.


In order for us to do a better data analysis on the labor market situation, we need to have a further break-down of the MOM data, such as job sector, profession and nationality (which are currently not available).

 DIM ICT Outlook

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